Malwina Kowalska20 dec. 20211 minutenBunkerIn june 2021 we transformed with Planeet Bergen a 100 square meters Bunker into an experimental & artistic venue. Situated in the bunker...
Malwina Kowalska12 apr. 20211 minutenOrange the RoomArt Gallery in collaboration with Miroslav Zach & Sjoukje Dijkstra Orange the Room is a community art gallery. A new initiative...
Malwina Kowalska12 apr. 20211 minutenDreamworld Creating a new collective and art exploration in Berlin. In 2019/2020 we created a new art collective that would build a big art...
Malwina Kowalska12 apr. 20211 minutenRessurectionIn collaboration with Karavana In this fireperformance the master and the servants are creating a ceremony where through firedance they...
Malwina Kowalska15 mei 20201 minutenDopshotbarCollaboration with Sjoukje Dijkstra & Miroslav Zach Performance installation Objects, Sound, Movement & Bar Museumnight 2019 Broedplaats...
Malwina Kowalska15 mei 20201 minutenSense of FireCollaboration with Miroslav Zach Fire performance One of my favourite performances are the onces involving fire. They are always exciting...
Malwina Kowalska15 mei 20201 minutenThe Bunny Holecollaboration with Marcel van der Grijn Art performance installation Supported by: Nowhere Art Grand Fund Location: Nowhere Art festival...